Writing on Meaning and Practice

Eastern Scholars

Healing Arts

Christopher Chen L.Ac, and Eastern Scholars Acupuncture.

Dedicated to helping people live the highest quality life.

Filtering by Tag: Magnesium

About Hydration and Mineralization

I have been researching Magnesium for over a year and a half now. It is my intention to put together a comprehensively researched article, explaining the importance of Magnesium in the body, it’s usefulness in the various bio-systems, as well as the detox pathways that it participates in. Let this document serve as the synopsis of that article as well as the Protocol for effectively correcting magnesium deficiency.

History - In the last 150 years, with the growth of mechanized agriculture, humans have less access to agricultural biodiversity and on top of that, the agricultural products that they do have access to have less actual nutrition. As agri-corporations have selected phenotypes that generate more profitability, they select for the plants that mature faster, have larger yields, and can grow in lower quality soil. The net result is that when the same plant is grown out of the same soil year after year, the minerals in that soil the most important being magnesium are gradually shipped off to supermarket shelves. Aside from magnesium, there are many other minerals important to metabolism that are utilized in minute quantities also disappear from the soil that agribusiness grows on. Because of this, not only is the planet losing valuable forest to agribusiness, and valuable topsoil to mono-cropping, but consumers are slowly being starved of the minerals and phyto- nutrients necessary to promote deep vitality within our species.

In my personal experience with Lyme related Auto-Immune disease, as well as my clinical experience as an acupuncturist. I have found that cellular dehydration coming from the result of mineral deficiency is probably one of the greatest underlying causes of human disease that we are facing today. Every day I am finding new places where it is not simply the process of staying hydrated that we need to pay attention to, but staying hydrated and remineralizing our bodies to restore natural cellular detox processes that is going to help us regain our edge, our vitality, and our ability to concentrate and think.

Chronic dehydration and mineral deficiency presents with symptoms of diverse and varying intensities, but across the board results in a sense of lacking vitality that can not be regained. On the emotional range it can result from crippling anxiety to bipolar symptoms, to developmental delays. In the physical realm, it can be auto-immune disease, heart palpitations, digestive disorders, headaches and joint pain and stiffness. At this point in my clinical experience, I would say that most of the people that I treat, even when symptoms improve, have a much greater result once they mineralize and hydrate.

Many people think that they are drinking enough water, yet they are not consuming enough minerals. This is exacerbated when they consumes prescription drugs, alcohol, or expose themselves to high levels of stress and or environmental toxicity. All of these things increase the demand on Magnesium stored in the body in order to mitigate the toxic effects. This theory of mineral deficiency is complicated even further as the testing for magnesium deficiency is extremely inaccurate. The body is so dependent on Magnesium for cellular function that it will harvest Magnesium from the organs, bones and tissues to keep the serum levels of magnesium higher. This is often why urinalysis of minerals and or the common test for Red Blood Cell magnesium often shows up normal even in cases of extreme magnesium deficiency. Hair and tissue sample tests can sometimes show more of the picture but hair and tissue samples won’t paint the whole picture.

For most people, committing to getting hydrated with magnesium and the right amount  of water, at least 3 quarts per day, gradually increasing the magnesium and minerals over a one month to three month period, alleviates their symptoms enough for them to realize that they have been mineral deficient for a long time. For some people, especially those with digestive issues, the process can take even longer as even though they need magnesium, they are not able to properly digest it. For these patients taking the magnesium topically may be the only way they are able to absorb it. Once they have taken enough magnesium, they are able to produce more gastric acid and then will have an easier time taking it internally.

There are 3 magnesium protocols that I recommend for people. For those who are looking to improve how they feel and don’t have serious gastric symptoms, I recommend beginning with the oral mineral hydration protocol, and if they want to speed it up, to add bathing in magnesium. For those patients who are very sensitive or very ill, I recommend they start with the topical magnesium application, coupled with some type of energy work to engage the sympathetic nervous system as the body transitions into a healing state.

Lastly, not all oral magnesiums are the same. There are a wide range of magnesium supplements available on the market. In varying forms and dosages. Based on clinical experience, the best way to supplement magnesium is constantly, throughout the day with water. In my experience there are certain brands that work much better than others. If the best brands are not accessible, others can be helpful, but in this process seek out the highest quality that is available.

Oral Mineral Hydration Protocol

•  Begin with  12-16 glasses of water per day, begin with 2-3 squirts of mineral formula per glass of water (8-12) squirts per quart.

•  If you tolerate the minerals, build up up to 8 squirts per glass and 32 squirts per quart will work to quickly build  up minerals in your body.

•  If this level of minerals is tolerated, both hydration and mineralization will be built up in the body. If stomach ache or diarrhea occurs, back off on the mineral concentration and continue at a dosage where normal bowels are maintained.

To Make the Mineral Formula -

• Magnesium and Trace Minerals (ReMag and ReMyte) - https://amzn.to/2Qm0QIm

• Solé - https://amzn.to/2Wsrsv0 * Follow the instructions on the jar to create the Solé solution.

• Bottles (To hold Solution) - https://amzn.to/3d9Pfps

Mix 2 Parts Magnesium, 2 Parts Trace Minerals and 1 Part Solé solution into glass pump bottles.

Magnesium Bath Protocol

• Bathe in Magnesium Chloride in a bath at 100° to 105° F for 10-15 minutes. Epsom salts are Magnesium Sulfate, that will detox you. Magnesium Chloride will help you absorb magnesium.

• To speed up the process, use the entire 8 lb bag in the bath. If you can bathe 2-3 times/week at this concentration, the levels of magnesium and capacity for magnesium limited detox reactions in the body will be greatly increased.

• Magnesium Chloride - https://amzn.to/3b4ZLwE

Topical Magnesium Protocol

• Apply 7-10 squirts of Magnesium Oil to the skin on the inner thighs and lower abdomen 2-3 times daily. Apply liberally, do this for at least 3 weeks and then try to see if it is possible to tolerate internal magnesium consumption.

• Magnesium Oil - https://amzn.to/39XSVcf  * it is also acceptable to use ReMag in a topical application to bring up Magnesium reserves in the body.