On this page you will find products that I have used and recommend for people to take for specific conditions. I don’t represent or work for any of these companies, I simply find their products to be very high quality and effective if used properly. Please reach out to me if you have any questions about these supplements. The links on these pages link to my Amazon affiliate store.
On this page you will find products that I recommend for properly hydrating and remineralizing your body. I list them in order of importance for cellular detox, rehydration, and mineralization.
To learn more about how to properly Mineralize check the post below:
Use these supplements to support your immune system to prevent getting a virus and to support yourself if you find that you have a virus. It is of vital importance to maintain healthy hygiene especially keeping the hands and face clean, getting sleep and hydrating. These are the second line of defense.
These are supplements to help nourish your body for specific types of organic conditions.
These are supplements that I like to help with immediate and long term symptom relief.